Our study of the Design for Discipleship Series begins a week from Wednesday, September 18th, at 5:30 PM at the church.
We will continue going through Book 1 of the series, “Your Life in Christ.”
We will begin with
Chapter 2:
The Person of Jesus Christ
All are welcome.
If you need a book, please see Pastor Marilee.
Meticulous providence vs. General Providence –
According to meticulous providence, God ordains everything that happens. Even acts that we view as evil happen because God wants them to happen and serve a good purpose in God’s plan. Thus there are no such things as accidents or tragedies.
According to general providence, God sets up general structures and within them allows things to happen, both good and bad, not specifically intended by Him.
Sanders observes that although the meticulous and general views of providence are clearly different, many Christians switch back and forth between them, depending on the situation. He gives the example of Susan. Many would thank God for her having a good job, but would condemn the rapist/murderer if she were raped and murdered. Their thanking God would imply that God has complete control over what happens (meticulous providence), but their condemning the rapist/murderer would imply that things happen not intended by God (general providence). This is inconsistent.
God’s allowing things to happen not specifically intended by Him may suggest that He is not in control. However, although God does not control everything, He is in control in the sense that He initiated the divine project, set the rules under which it operates, and is guiding it towards fruition.