Whether they are called Prayer Shawls, Comfort Shawls, Peace Shawls or Mantles, etc., the shawl maker begins with prayers and blessings for the recipient.  The intentions are continued throughout the creation of the shawl.  Upon completion, a final blessing is offered before the shawl is sent on its way. 
Some uses for the shawls could be for: surgery patients; bereavement – even for pets; cancer patients; cancer survivors; shut-ins; celebrations such as a new baby or marriage, etc.  The list is endless.
Do you know someone who would benefit from the gift of a shawl?  Would you like to make shawls for the ministry?  Do you have yarn that you would like to donate?  Just let us know!
The Shawls of Hope Ministry always welcomes new members.  Come join us!  We meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 11:30 (or right after our worship service).