“We’re On a Mission”
Matthew 28: 18-20

I have been in conversation with God, during this pandemic, questioning, asking, wondering.  It seems everywhere you turn, someone has a different perspective. And since I don’t believe in crystal balls being able to predict the future, I return to prayer and common sense. 

At the beginning of this pandemic, I was asking questions like, What is happening? Is this for real? How do I keep those closest to me safe? As time goes by, and the number of deaths increases and the uncertainty keeps growing, my questions sounded more like, Really? Why? What is your plan LORD? Today, I don’t have any more answers to those first questions I asked, then I did when I asked them. However, my perspective has changed and rather than looking at this pandemic as a problem, which it is, I realize that what God has planned for me today is the same it has been everyday. He presented that plan to His disciples after He rose from the dead. 
Matthew 28: 18-20
The Message
Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: “God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I’ll be with you as you do this, day after day after day, right up to the end of the age.” 

Jesus has called us to go out, share His story, share our story. We were never meant to huddle in our churches and keep our faith to ourselves. We’ve been told to “Go out,” “train everyone you meet,” “far and near.” This pandemic has offered us an opportunity to do just that and we don’t even need to leave our house. We can share our story to those near and far, and invite them to worship and they don’t have to leave their house to go there. Think about it! The person you know who would most likely only step foot in church for a wedding or funeral, can be invited to come “to church” online. They simply need the invitation and a bit of your story, of why you tune in on Sunday morning. 

If we look back on how we first came to know Jesus, it was likely the result of a team effort. Someone planted a seed, someone else came along and watered it, and most likely someone else was there to see you come to Jesus and bear fruit. The Great Commission invites us to take what God has given us, and share it with others. Whenever we serve, love and reach out to others, in the name of Jesus, we can be certain our efforts are never wasted. Whether it is a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or the act of “being there” when someone needs a friend, God uses all things given in His Spirit, to open hearts to Him. 

We have been given a new way to reach out to those who don’t know Jesus. This is also an opportunity for us to get out of our complacency and reach out. To keep our spiritual life vibrant, as Christians we need to be keeping the Great Commission in front of us. We grow stagnant and become self-absorbed when we are not pouring out, Jesus didn’t tell His disciples to soak in everything He had been sharing with them. He told them to reach out.  Keeping the goal in mind, of spreading the gospel, of sharing the love of Christ, and of making disciples is still God’s plan. 

We’re on a mission. The perimeters have changed, we may seem limited by “social distancing” or “staying at home.” But I would like us to look at this as another tactic that can be used to reach people that may never have been reached had we not had a pandemic. Hope is needed now, and people are more open to realize that in the midst of a pandemic. The current socialization rules are not the only thing that can get in the way of our willingness to share the good news. Many Christians feel they don’t know enough or aren’t educated enough in the Scripture to start sharing their faith with others. Let me remind you, it is not your responsibility to “save” anyone. That is the job of the Holy Spirit. God gives each of us gifts and talents to use and puts us in specific places at specific times for specific reasons. You can reach people that no one else can reach. What may seem to be weaknesses to you, may be the very thing that will give you access to someone, others would never have the ability to reach? 

Let’s take our eyes off the circumstance and put them on Jesus. Here are some suggestions to get you moving in the right direction:

> If you feel unprepared to share your faith story, consider taking time to write it down. Write out your testimony as if  you are sharing it with someone who doesn’t know Jesus. 
> One way of sharing the Gospel is called the “Romans Road.” Start with Roman 3:23, then 6:23 and 5:8, 10:9 and then 5:1.

Romans 10: 17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.

Did you catch that! Faith comes from hearing God’s Word. It’s our job to put the Word out there so they can hear it. 

Your story makes it human, God’s Word produces faith.

I encourage you to find a piece of paper you will not lose, and write down the name of one person you know who needs to know Jesus. Commit to praying for that person, every day. If God calls you to do more, than do it. 

The circumstances change day by day, but the mission is still the same. Let’s use the circumstances we find ourselves in for His Glory.    Let’s Pray.