October 30, 2022 Photo Journal
September 25, 2022 Photo Journal
September 11, 2022 Photo Journal
September 4, 2022 Photo Journal
October 2020
Whirlwind 36 Hour Trip!
We left for PNG on the 10th of October but things didn’t go according to plan. Because of delays on the first leg of our journey, from Boston to Montreal, we missed our connecting flight to London. Missing this flight made it impossible for us to meet the once-a-month World Food Program flight from Kuala Lumpur to PNG. Because of COVID travel restrictions and limited flight options, we could not find any way to continue our journey to PNG. We returned to the States late last night and are currently considering what’s next and how we might get back to PNG. Prayers appreciated, we are very disappointed this itinerary didn’t work out. The photo below shows the Montreal departure gate hallway area we walked down to get on our flight back to the States.
Helping to take the Word of God to the people of Papua New Guinea
David & Deborah Barton
PO Box 1-456 Ukarumpa EHP 444 Papua New Guinea
David USA cell 1 603 289 1749
Deb USA cell 1 603 289 8937
Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200 Orlando FL 32862-8200
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